La Coterie
Definition: An intimate and often exclusive group of persons with a unifying common interest or purpose. Ex: a coterie of artists, a coterie of astronomers. Origin: French
What is La Coterie?
La Coterie is our Side Project membership program. Our goal for La Coterie is to give access to our beer to the amazing people who have been supporting us at The Side Project Cellar and our Brewery Tasting Room for years. La Coterie members get to reserve and purchase select Side Project beers before the public sale.
How Long is the Membership?
La Coterie renews in March of every year. Our La Coterie 2023 membership begins in March 2023 and runs through February 2024.
How do I Join?
La Coterie WaitlistLa Coterie began as a very small invite-only club in 2018. When there are vacancies, we may fill them with customers on our waitlist via a lottery. If you are interested, please make sure you subscribe to our Newsletter and add your name to the waitlist below.